League Alliance Pass
"What's this?... No, no, sweetie! You can't get into the Elite Lounge with your L.A.R.S. ID!" - V101
League Alliance Pass is a feature incentivizing daily game interaction, with rewards encouraging regular play: the LAP system is divided in two tracks, with rewards activated upon daily logins.
League Alliance Pass (LAP)
Schedule of regular rewards, received upon daily game log-ins.
Usual rewards: Doyens, default & advanced Modules, common & special Chargers, Focus Shakes, Igneous Rocks, Prostir Fuel.
League Elite Pass (LEP)
Schedule of premium rewards, received upon daily game log-ins.
Added rewards: Premium modules, Premium chargers, Favors, Royalties, Kellar matter, Zenith Impressions, deals at the Market Spaceship, boosted Sponsor Relations.
Last updated