Items & Tools
"After you play your Ancient music - can we listen to ZORGZ please?" - E24
Several items constitute player interface and form the core of gameplay immersion.
User interface:
ATLAS: Advanced Tracking and Logistical Assistance System - in short, ATLAS - is a unique personal cloud software, fully tracking and supporting owner's lifestyle. It stores all personal information - identification code, education, occupation, payment systems - and serves as a communication tool, browser and universal discovery platform. Player experience is closely tied to the use of ATLAS.
Map: map of Shodo with indicators of missions, events, public transportation, ongoing races and other story-driven elements. Due to semi-open world, player can re-locate via Map pointers.
Inventory: storage of all items, received over the course of the gameplay.
Mail: ATLAS' message box, storing in-game notifications and server announcements.
Racer Library: all owned playable characters are accessible through Racer Library.
Car Collection: all owned vehicles are accessible through Car Collection and stored in the Garage.
Booster Stock: all unlocked boosters, available for race usage, are stored in Booster Stock.
Tool Station: all purchased and crafted modules and chargers are kept in Tool Station.
League Live Database: the League Headquarters publish AIs of distinguished racers, allowing fans to download and enjoy the presence of favorite athletes in simulators. Sometimes special partnerships are made, and players are able to drive together with AIs of Elite racers.
League Live Database is a platform allowing to receive new playable characters.
League Vehicle Center: engineers of Shodo are working hard to develop new cars for upcoming races - with League Vehicle Center perhaps, players can get their hands on unique League-developed prototypes.
League Vehicle Center is a platform allowing to receive new playable vehicles.
Hall of Fame: iconic racers go down in history - and are forever embedded in the League's Hall of Fame. Players can explore the biographies of the biggest names of the League, living through their most impactful moments.
Hall of Fame gives access to special quests, depicting backgrounds of Elite racers through their eyes.
Hall of Fame quests can be played after receiving the character or unlocked with Zenith Impressions.
Maintenance Station: customized vehicle tuning is carried at Maintenance Station in the Garage by Orion. The station allows to craft modules and chargers, as well as repair and level up vehicles.
Focus Shakes: E24 suffers from acceleration rush, forcing the character to lose concentration on high speeds. To maintain focus, focus shakes have to be consumed prior to each race.
Kellar Matter: ultra strong material found in all parts of your car and gear - from tires and window shields to helmets and boots. Owing it's roots to Ancient discoveries, kellar matter became the foundational element of any engineering design. Used to speed up levelling of cars.
League Alliance Interplanetary License (LAIL): upon graduation, every future racer receives a well-deserved LAIL. With this, one qualifies for the League and gets priority access to training simulators. Note: it does not replace a regular driving license, still mandatory to drive vehicles on city streets.
Award Display: precious wall display, storing holograms of awards received for League victories. It has a special carved area, dedicated to the future placement of Platinum Wheel - ultimate prizes, awarded to the winner of the League.
In-game media:
Shodo Today: national media outlet, depicting news and stories circulating around the city.
League Live: official inter-planetary news source, maintaining updated ranks of top racers in the galaxy. It keeps track of ongoing rounds, qualifiers, high-potential graduates, strongest records and League development updates, in line with the player's story mode stage.
League Live also communicates top scores of players on the server.
Platinum Orbit: the most discussed interplanetary journal with exclusive celebrity news, Platinum Orbit covers the flashy, fancy lives of League socialites and star athletes.
Platinum Orbit also announces newest sponsor events, helping player expand sponsor network.
Last updated