Levelling Up
"Max the level out, E24. You won't ask your enemy to go easy on you at the League" - K05
Players can level up their cars and characters, as well as vary overall difficulties of the races.
Default car specifications can be further enhanced by adding modules, chargers - or increasing vehicle's overall level.
Car parameters and car pit-stop timing depend on vehicle levels and can improve through either:
Completing a certain number of races with the selected car, or
Using Kellar Matter to speed up levelling of the car, only available until level 11.
Each car can be levelled up to 20th level:
1-10 level: 5 races qualify for a new level; upon level 10, player receives a Favor.
11-20 level: 10 races qualify for a new level; upon level 20, player receives a Royalty.
Playable characters are levelled up by increasing the strength of their Neo Spirits. These are enhanced when the same character is repeatedly pulled through League Live Database, with 3 Strength Levels in total.
Race difficulty
Story mode:
The difficulty of each race is pre-determined according to the lore and player progress stage.
Simulator mode:
Each map can be played on several difficulty levels, based on the levels of rival vehicles in Race regime. Certain maps also have a Leisure mode with no opponents, letting the player drive with the chosen partner without the challenge pressure.
The rewards are based on the chosen difficulty level. The 5 difficulty levels are:
Amateur: all vehicles are 1-4 level.
Graduate: all vehicles are 4-9 level.
Experienced: all vehicles are 9-15 level.
Professional: all vehicles are 15-18 level.
Elite: all vehicles are 18-20 level.
Neo Spirits, modules and chargers, equipped by rival cars, may further enhance vehicle parameters.
Haruna Drive mode:
3 maps are presented for every Haruna Drive tournament, accessible over the course of each week. Each map can be played as:
Group race: player racing against 9 other cars.
Duo race: racing against 1 car.
For those, 3 levels of difficulty are available:
No-brainer: all vehicles are 6-10 level.
Virus: all vehicles are 10-18 level.
Trojan: all vehicles are 19-20 level.
The higher the difficulty of the race, the higher the reward for victory, if the Hype Score is maintained well.
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