"Shodo is the best city in the world!.. What? Have I been to others?.." - E24
The semi-open nature of the game world allows to explore various locations and interact with multiple items and characters in each.
Daily Life
A. Home: starting location for E24. Flat having a bed, computer desk, panoramic window with the view of Shodo and a special area dedicated to soon-to-be stacking awards.
B. Downtown street: main street of Shodo, with multiple attractions and sightseeing spots.
C. Memory street: the street, home to the highest selection of shops and nightlife in Shodo: it is filled with flashy lights and gorgeous holograms, introducing the latest fashion releases.
D. Outskirts: while the city centre is bustling with noise and light, Outskirts form quieter areas, perfect for those preferring peaceful lifestyle.
E. Grandparents' street: E24's most loved street, with every stone memorized by heart.
F. L.A.R.S.: the area surrounding LARS - while the school can only be accessed by students, one can take a stroll around the Academy's beautiful memorials and tributes to past events.
G. Shodo border: the border of Shodo, stretching around the city: once protecting the residents from catastrophic impacts of Pyroxysm, it is now a vieweing spot to observe Ember Lands.
H. Ember Lands: mostly burned out, uninhabited lands of once-lively planet. With no sign of life - besides rare explorers - in sight, the areas are now used for construction of new maps of League.
I. Hospital: the place especially dear to E24's partner due to daily visits to a special person.
J. Halo's Hospital Room: accessible during visiting hours, this is the room to meet Halo in.
K. Subway station: being a mega-city, Shodo's furthest locations are connected with a myriad of subway lines, accessible via a subway station.
L. Highway station: being a mega-city, Shodo's furthest locations are connected with a myriad of highway lines, accessible via a highway station.
A. D1AN: D1AN is one of the largest department malls in Shodo, being the first shop receiving full electricity supply after Pyroxysm - home to multiple shops and cafes.
B. FONO Shop: what started as sketches on LARS book pages developed into one of Shodo's most recognizable brands, with Rigel spending more time in his shop than at home.
C. Car Shop: a store to purchase car equipment, it is the most visited place by League engineers - and one of the favorite hangout spot of League fans.
D. Rain Cafe: taking it's name from a natural phenomenon long forgotten due to large domes covering Earth's mega-cities, Rain Cafe brings the taste of memory in each cup of coffee.
E. Pharmacy: the best place to purchase focus shakes - perhaps, also the only one carrying them.
F. Pet Shop: after scientists discovered unique capacities of biological laboratories, pet shops filled with the most unusual animal breeds.
A. MM Bar: a place to be in the Downtown, MM Bar bustles with life throughout the day: serving snacks during daytime and fun cocktails at night, one is sure to stay until the place closes.
B. YuLaYu: street food at YuLaYu will make one come back for more. Rumours say their noodles were the favorite dish of young A33 - or so the owner claims, describing a pair of white-haired brothers.
C. Nunchi Lounge: read the room - and stick to your group. This lounge club provides an elevated experience after long shopping hours around Memory Street.
E. Event halls: exclusive events are open for the selected few, and so are these halls.
F. Akogare: one of the most exclusive spots in Shodo, the lounge can only be accessed by elite members of the League history. Once let in, you may be certain to only see idols inside - and try carefully crafted drinks, suitable for lifestyles of the athletes.
G. Haruna Drive zones: nighttime racing zones are scattered around the city and are secretively communicated to underground racers - or anyone willing to show off their driving skills.
League racing
A. Simulators: with racing simulators scattered all around the city, enjoy access to the training grounds any time of the day.
B. League Headquarters: despite a strictly restricted access inside the League's headquarters, the area around the pompous buildings is just as impressive - you may catch a glimpse of the elites too!
C. Garage: meet Orion or admire your car collection - the Garage is what a temple was to ancients.
Outer space
A. CR8-07: this nomadic spacecraft follows no rules - besides the rules of trade. Traveling along the space trail not belonging to any jurisdiction, it has not experienced a single rebellion - at least, not after its hijack by nahkommas many decades ago.
B. Currency Exchange Stall: visit this stall after travelling - or getting your hands on foreign currencies.
C. Space Station: the landing and departing spot for all spacecrafts visiting Shodo.
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