Character & Vehicle Tiers
"When you walk out of here, Halo, I'll build the best car in the universe and give it your name" - Orion
As racers speed through the myriad of obstacles and challenges of the League they gain knowledge, skill and style to differentiate themselves from others. Differences are reflected through:
Received rewards;
In-game events acceptance rate;
Existence of Neo spirits;
Existence of Hall of Fame stories.
Characters are split into 3 tiers: tyro, professional and elite.
By default, E24 is a Tyro character.
Tier 1: Tyro Character
Although they may have potential to become the next holders of the Platinum Wheel, they are yet to prove themselves to the rest of the world.
10% guarantee to be accepted to any sponsor event.
E24 is the only Tyro character with a Neo Spirit.
Tier 2: Professional Character
Full of skill but reputation is yet to be built – while their achievements and victories are appreciated, not everyone can match their name to the face.
Every Professional Character is signed under one premium sponsor brands.
100% guarantee to be accepted to own sponsor events.
50% guarantee to be accepted to other sponsor events.
Faster earning of own brand points from sponsor missions.
Neo Spirits.
Hall of Fame stories.
Tier 3: Elite Character
After years of commitment to the League and display of unique talents, their presence is to be searched for.
Every Elite Character is signed under a few premium sponsor brands.
100% guarantee to be accepted to own sponsor events.
70% guarantee to be accepted to other sponsor events.
Faster earning of own brand points from sponsor missions.
Rare race rewards.
Neo Spirits.
Hall of Fame stories.
A good engine goes a long way, and so does the hand of the mechanic who crafted the piece to be. Similarly to the characters, vehicles are also split among 3 tiers. Differences are reflected through:
Brand and Loyalty points;
Dealt damage;
Maintenance threshold;
Car handling;
Visuals & customization.
Tier 1: Basic Vehicle
Simply following a recipe neither requires a special talent nor brings superior results: these vehicles are unlikely to compare with wicked creations of the League's engineers.
Main rewards: Default modules and Common chargers.
Comparatively weak maintenance, damage and handling parameters.
Can be disassembled into Kellar Matter.
Tier 2: Premium Vehicle
Everyone likes to hear a smooth roar of the engine, but not everyone can afford it. Whether old or new – a capable model always earns respect from those who can afford it.
Main rewards: Advanced modules and Special chargers.
Stronger parameter enhancements.
Tier 3: Exclusive Vehicle
With only few pieces throughout infinite galaxies, one is sure to stand out when seen in a car like this. Rare materials, foreign mechanics and unique design all make them to be one in a billion.
Higher Brand and Reputation points contributed to own sponsors;
Main rewards: Advanced modules and Special chargers.
The only tier able to receive Premium modules and Premium chargers with 20% probability.
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