Neo Spirit
"I'd be bugged, Miss, what you did there made me glitch!" - E24
Neo Spirit is unique to every character and represents a special ability that can be used during the race. Players can activate skills of the playable character or the chosen partner when the options become available during the ride.
The strength of Neo Spirits can be improved until Level 3 for each character, with each level unlocking when the player receives the previously owned character from League Live Database.
A33 (Aurora)
Makes his vehicle emit a shimmering aura that shifts nearby racers off their course and slows them down by 40%, letting A33's car pass untouched.
S89 (Saiph)
Mind Focus
Affects the race's environment by slightly dimming colors and reducing distractions, improving visibility and reaction times.
I11 (Izar)
Guardian Glow
Repairs minor damages to her car and projects a protective aura around the car against collisions with other vehicles.
B00 (Batsu)
Spore Burst
Releases a thick mist of spores, covering the track behind and in front of him in green fog, obscuring the view for racers nearby.
M45 (Maru)
Ocean's Embrace
Creates a wave-like momentum boost that allows her car to surf over rough terrain. Cars crossing her liquid path get their parameters distorted by water.
D10 (Diwo)
Solar Mirage
Creates temporary mirages of his car on the track in front of opponents. Crashing into the mirage damages cars with 50% of Diwo's car strength.
H14 (Hoku)
Cyan Fury
Gives Hoku's car a boost in acceleration, leaving a cyan trail that temporarily blinds anyone following closely behind him.
Z96 (Zibal)
Everybody Loves Me!
Boosts his speed whenever he’s near multiple other racers, thriving off the crowd effect in close races.
K09 (Kowai)
Drive Safe!
Projects a yandere-like face hologram in front of nearby racers, lowering their control for a few seconds.
J83 (Jussi)
Hey Kitty Kitty
Hologram cat splits into several identical copies, scattering along the track to confuse other racers and cover their view by jumping on car fronts.
B64 (Basas)
Spatial Awareness
Turns his car semi-transparent, allowing him to pass through specific objects and avoid any collisions for a short period.
F18 (Fang)
Dragon’s Domain
Car gets encased in tough dragon scale armor, protecting him from crashes and collisions with minimal speed loss.
S21 (Shama)
Gets ability to instantly teleport in any direction 3 times, with leap distances reducing by 33% with every teleportation and car heating up.
V101 (Vendetta)
Tag, you're it
Allows her car to briefly speed up when passing close to an opponent, trading their speed for hers. Surrounding cars lose any accumulated acceleration capacity.
T38 (Taygeta)
Curse of Deserts
Releases an electric lightning burst from the car, stunning and forcing nearby cars to temporarily stop.
L13 (Lerna)
Bone Barricade
Creates a trail of skeletal shards behind her car, slowing down and slightly damaging opponents who drive through it.
H88 (Hashi)
Signal Jam
Sabotages nearby car systems, restoring them after 5 seconds with 2 random parameters staying affected (1st damaged by 50%, 2nd - by 20%)
T84 (Taoyi)
Sandstorm Shift
Summons a burst of sandstorm around his car, reducing visibility and slowing down surrounding opponents for a few seconds.
M52 (Maia)
Destined Path
Car momentarily locks onto the optimal track path, giving preference to uncovered shortcuts, and increases 3 random parameters of the car by 15%.
R50 (Rigel)
Stitch It
Stretches a seam on the track behind, slowing down opponents crossing it. Player receives 2 threads that can be thrown forward to accelerate the car in any chosen direction.
J06 (Juno)
Second Chance
Car temporarily leaves a shadow path: in case of a crash or accumulation of 80%+ MP, the car can reset to the position along the trail with the MP count reduced by 15%.
G03 (Gumala)
Voice of Nature
Car emits loud dragon roar, disorienting nearby racers and causing minor mechanical disruptions in their cars and viewscreens.
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