Racing Experience
"If you can't trust your eyes, you have to trust me" - [DELETED]
The major gameplay differences arise during the racing mode, with navigators and pilots experiencing driving from opposite perspectives.
Important features:
View: by default, driver sees the car top-down; navigator sees from inside the car.
In story mode, you play from the POV of the role assigned in the beginning of the game.
In simulation mode, you play for any of the owned characters (e.g. a story-mode pilot can experience navigator gameplay with a navigator character).
In illegal racing mode, you always play as a pilot without the navigator.
Maintenance: all cars have a Maintenance Points (MP) tracker, which grows during bumps and collisions.
The player is able to cancel out accumulated points with Kevlar Matter during the race.
Alternatively, a player may wish to brake at a pit-stop.
Car crash: once too many Maintenance Points are accumulated, player can:
Restore Maintenance Points with Repair Kits purchased with Doyens;
Use Prostir Fuel to continue the race;
Stop at a pit-stop to let the team's engineers fix the car;
Re-start the race.
Some damages cannot be fixed at the racetrack, and the race must be re-started.
Cars and Modules: in all modes, players select the car and up to 4 modules from Inventory.
Chargers and Boosters: players select up to 3 chargers and 3 booster types to receive during the race. The latter will show up in the race with varying probabilities.
Story / Simulation Mode:
A) Pilot's POV:
Pre-match: pilot is able to select what modules and chargers will be used in the race from own Inventory.
During the race:
Manual driving: drive through the auto-selected main route, following on-road directions, accelerating and drifting along the way.
Collect boosters: follow the directions of your navigator to collect the power-up optimally suited for the car state.
Visit pit-stops: your navigator will alert you of high MP accumulation and guide you to the closest pit-stop, if you do not wish to use Repair Kits.
Interact with items: complete race missions by spotting and interacting with targets.
Explore shortcuts: once an off-route shortcut is highlighted by your navigator, you may:
Ignore: continue along the main route, skipping the shortcut until the next lap.
Follow: leave the main route and explore the recommended path. Upon successful completion of the shortcut path, it will be added to your main route track.
You enter Rebellion by leaving the main route to explore suspicious areas on your own. Your vision progressively diminishes: if you don't make progress within 6 seconds, your navigator will highlight a route back to the main track.
Synthesize: use your or your navigator's Neo Spirit to strengthen your racing abilities.
B) Navigator's POV:
Pre-match: navigator is able to select what modules and chargers will be used in the race from own Inventory.
Prior to the race: navigator has access to the 3D-model of the map of the race with 3 general routes to choose from. A navigator has 20 seconds to study the map, during which:
Select a route: choose a route most suitable for the car's abilities';
Connect cameras: set up 3 cameras to observe the the map. During the race, the cameras can be relocated to different spots.
Choose Probe Zones: select 3 initial zones for self-exploration of shortcuts.
During the race:
Main route:
Navigate towards boosters: when presented with power-up options, click on the needed icon to move your car towards the booster.
Assist acceleration and drift: help your driver accelerate and drift.
Control speed: slow your pilot to manoeuvre difficult areas.
Interact with target items: disable aggressive targets by clicking on them; complete race missions by spotting target items and interacting with them.
Access pit-stops: as the car accumulates Maintenance Points, decide to navigate to the pit-stop or use Repair Kits.
Alter routes: alter locations of available Probe Zones for self-exploring. In total, the player can explore 3 Probe Zones per lap.
Observe surroundings: observe cameras to analyse routes of your competitors and uncover hidden paths.
Probe Zone:
Manual driving: take charge of the wheel and explore suspicious areas by opening a new path on the map. If you fail to make progress within 6 seconds, your driver will automatically re-direct you back to the main route.
If Probing was successful, the player is able to include the shortcut into the route and the used up Probe Zone chance is added back.
If Probing was unsuccessful, player is left with one less Probe Zone chances for the remaining laps.
Synthesize: use your or your pilot's Neo Spirit to strengthen your racing abilities.
Haruna Drive Mode:
Player selects what car and chargers will be used in the race from own Inventory.
Boosters are pre-determined for each map.
Player selects any drivers in Character Library to use the skill of.
During the race:
Manual driving: drive through the route, accelerating and drifting along the way.
Collect boosters: collect boosters as you see them appear along the road.
Interact with target items: complete race missions by spotting target items and interacting with them.
Synthesize: use up to 2 Neo Sprits of pre-selected pilots from your Racer Library.
Last updated