"You would crash us even if the car wasn't moving" - K05
Multiplayer mode supports co-exploration of the world and racing experiences.
World Exploration
Daily missions: visit the world of your friend to complete daily missions together. As a guest, you can use all locations in your friend's world as in yours.
NPC missions: explore the world with your friend and accept missions from NPCs. Each player needs to complete mission requirements to receive individual rewards.
Co-op Racing
Team racing
Multiplayer mode allows players to race together on simulation grounds. Player experience differs according to roles of chosen characters.
Important features:
Each player gets 2 charger slots. Cars are decided jointly:
Both players present the car they want to use for the race. One player can abstain.
Players vote on the preferred car. In case of a tie, the car is selected randomly.
Each player chooses 2 boosters from inventory that will appear in the race.
If players choose the same power-up type, the one with stronger parameters wins.
Rewards are shared equally between both players.
A) Pilot's POV:
During the race:
No map access: pilots have no access to maps in multiplayer modes.
Manual driving: drive through the lap, trusting voice or text instructions of your navigator.
Request power-ups: let your navigator know what power-ups you need.
Interact with target items: complete race missions by spotting target items and interacting with them.
In Probe Zone: let your navigator take charge in exploring new areas. If your partner does not make progress for 7 seconds, you will have a chance to bring the car back on track.
Synthesize: activate your Neo Spirit to strengthen your racing abilities.
B) Navigator's POV:
Prior to the race: navigator has access to the 3D-model of the map of the race with 3 general routes to choose from. A navigator has 20 seconds to study the map, during which:
Select route: choose a route most suitable for the car's abilities;
Connect cameras: set up permanent cameras from the inventory to observe the the map;
Choose Probe Zones: select initial zones for self-exploration of shortcuts.
During the race:
Main route:
Provide directions: use text pop-ups or connect to the voice chat to send instructions to your pilot, as the only one seeing the map.
Navigate towards boosters: when presented with power-up options, click on the desired icon, considering the request of your pilot.
Assist acceleration and drift: help your driver accelerate by swiping upwards; help your driver drift by swiping downwards.
Interact with target items: disable aggressive targets by clicking on them; complete race missions by spotting target items and interacting with them.
Alter routes: swap locations of available Probe Zones for self-exploring; include discovered shortcuts into the main route or skip them in next laps.
Probe Zone:
Manual driving: take charge of the wheel and explore suspicious areas. If you fail to make progress within 7 seconds, your driver will be able to take the wheel back.
Synthesize: activate your Neo Spirit skill to strengthen your racing abilities.
Haruna Drive racing
Wait for your friend to finish the race, as you observe it from the watching grounds. Alternatively, if you are visiting another world, take the role of your friend undercover - rules don't work here! Follow the regular experience of illegal racing with key differences.
Important features:
Access the Inventory of your friend to choose the car, add-ons, buffs and power-ups for the race.
Before the race, your friend gives an approval of your resource choice.
If there is a disagreement, your friend can replace 4 items of choice in total (including modules, chargers and boosters).
All earned rewards are accounted to your friend. You receive Earth currencies.
PvP racing
Multiplayer mode allows players to race against each other on simulation and Haruna Drive racing grounds. Player experience differs according to roles of chosen characters, fully replicating single player experience.
Important features:
Before the race begins:
Players can see modules and chargers their opponent chose.
Players can see the character their opponent formed a team with.
Players can choose the same character to form a team.
Each player chooses 2 boosters from inventory that will appear in the race.
Players do not see what boosters the opponent chose before the race begins.
During the race, players can use boosters their opponent chose.
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