"People were different before the Pyroxysm. Before the Inferno" - Masao
In the year 23XX, Earth faced the catastrophic Pyroxysm - a simultaneous eruption of volcanoes forming Ring of Fire - that wiped out countries and reshaped the world through intense seismic activity, raising tsunamis and destructive fires. Mega-cities, Kernel City in Central America, Shodo in East Asia, and Asimar in Northern Africa were the only survivors, providing shelter for remaining human populations. After 50 years, first attempts to explore the devastated areas surfaced nothing but burned land. Humans gave up hopes to revive the soil, cancelling further expeditions, until alien humanoids landed on Earth.
Shocked by the encounter, humans realized Pyroxysm left them far behind the progress of other planets. The aliens represented League Alliance Racing School (L.A.R.S.) - one of the prestigious schools, training recruits for Shinzar League: an immensely popular interplanetary racing championship, spanning a neighbouring star system. The competition hosts high-stakes races, where teams of pilots and navigators drive across unconventional routes. The League Alliance gradually covered all inhabited planets with race maps, now looking for new participants and more untouched land. L.A.R.S., competing for scouting best talents with other schools, identified Earth - populated by humans, with leaps of empty grounds after the catastrophe.
As humans realized the popularity of Shinzar, they became intrigued by the interplanetary racing. Despite being decades behind in technological advancement, humans surprised alien coaches by quickly grasping the rules and basics of the race. Against all odds, amateur teams from Kernel City, Shodo and Asimar reached top-30 finalists, with Shodo placing among fans' top-10 favourite teams. This unexpected success earned the Earth an official partnership with the League, leading to the establishment of L.A.R.S. in all three mega-cities.
Shinzar League, once an alien concept, is now humanity's most favorite entertainment: an elite and progressive sport that inspires, unites and captivates the universe.
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