Modules, Chargers, Boosters
"Traction Arrest Lever?.. What's that, a new fancy term for an ancient handbrake?" - K05
Players are able to enhance capabilities of their cars by buffing them with modules and chargers.
Modules are hardware and automotive parts, crafted in the Garage to be added on top of the default car specifications. Each tier contains 10 levels, before advancing to the next tier.
How to get: modules can be crafted in the Garage or purchased in the Car Shop for doyens. If partnering with Sponsors, unique modules can be purchased with Kellar Matter or received in ATLAS Mail.
Default: purchased in the Car Shop, won during Story Mode and Haruna Drive races.
Advanced: purchased in the Car Shop, won during Story Mode and Haruna Drive races, crafted in the Garage, received from Sponsors.
Premium: crafted in the Garage, received from Sponsors.
Durability: each module can only be attached to one car at a point in time.
Chargers are software add-ons and additional equipment pieces, enhancing car specifications with specific characteristics, suitable for map environments. Chargers are not enhanceable.
How to get: chargers can be purchased in the Car Shop for doyens or received through successful completion of races and world missions.
Common: purchased in the Car Shop, won during Story Mode and Haruna Drive races.
Special: won during Story Mode and Haruna Drive races, received from Sponsors.
Premium: won during Story Mode and Haruna Drive races, received from Sponsors.
Durability: chargers are perishable - they expire upon in-race usage.
Boosters are special drops and items, encountered on the map during the course of the race. Their effects are temporary, and multiple boosters are available on the route.
How to get: boosters are unlocked through story mode progress.
Mode differences:
Story mode, simulation mode: various boosters with diverse effects are available.
Haruna Drive racing: only accelerators and MP fixes are available.
Accessibility: preferred boosters have to be selected prior to each race out of Booster Stock.
Pilot's POV: during the race, the boosters come in covered shapes: pilots do not know which booster is collected.
Navigator's POV: during the race, navigators are presented with upcoming booster options: navigators select which booster to collect.
Impact Areas
Each charger and booster has specific impact areas, suitable to some map environments more than others. Players are hence able to prepare the car and team to best suit the selected map.
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