"My family has a house on every planet, but I will never set foot on Caspius" – T84
After the Pyroxysm passed and humans' active participation in the League, they got to know many civilizations populating other planets. These include:
Felinara: Originating from cat-like ancestors, they possess physical features of felines: vertical pupils, ears, tails and fangs. The felinaras' agility and reflexes make them natural racers, and their connection to their feline ancestry gives them an instinctive understanding of the track.
Planet: Miyunara – world of untamed beauty and feline grace, nestled amidst rolling hills and dense forests. Its landscape is dotted with ancient ruins and mysterious landmarks, hinting at a rich history steeped in legend and lore.
Marisyl: the natives of planet Caspius, marisyls live their lives under water. Their unique technology allows cars to store water tanks for racers to breathe freely. Marisyls' advanced technology opened a new realm to Shinzar – underwater racing, with specialized vehicles equipped to navigate the depths.
Planet: Caspius – the aquatic jewel of the galaxy, is the watery realm which the marisyls call home. Being hit by constant rain, this planet is a shimmering oceanic paradise, with vast expanses of crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs.
Schimera: bones of schimeras contain a chemical compound, leaving them visible to the public and making the species easily identifiable in the dark. Their survival instincts, honed over generations, lend a natural edge to their driving and remarkable reaction speed.
Planet: Azuhan – cityscape cloaked in darkness, where colossal, skeletal figures loom over neon-lit streets. These structures serve as proud reminders of the schimeras' evolution from hunted prey to resilient survivors. Azuhan’s streets are lined with glowing signs and narrow walkways, hinting at secrets hidden in the shadows and a quiet tension that fills the air.
Shulinn: with the planet covered by vegetation, shulinns take great care to preserve and co-exist with the nature. Having elongated ears and limbs, they are considered the tallest civilization. It is a leader in sustainable racing technology, reflecting the shulinns' deep reverence for nature.
Planet: Viru – planet of unparalleled natural splendour, settled amidst towering canopies and thriving jungles. Its vast expanses are blanketed with lush foliage and towering trees, providing a haven for the galaxy's tallest inhabitants – shulinn.
Kasahon: kasahons - also called "shadows" - can only be recognized by the movement of their clothes: these gas spirits, known for their patience, grew used to foreigners bumping into them. Kasahons navigate this world with grace and patience, their movements fluid and almost imperceptible, which can be noticed in their driving style.
Planet: N'kura – realm cloaked in shadows and mystery. Its landscape is both foreboding and alluring, with swirling mists and ethereal landscapes stretching as far as the eye can see, calling upon the viewer.
Rissuri: masters of adaptation, with scales reflecting colors of celestial bodies, rissuris are as close to dragons as humanly imaginable. If dragons are large lizards, that is. Rissuri's mastery of adaptation shows not only at their home, but also in races across diverse terrains.
Planet: Maro-chi – land of contrasts and beauty, where harsh, jagged mountain ranges rise dramatically alongside lush oases and overflowing rivers. At dawn and dusk, the landscape shimmers as if touched by magic, reflecting off the scales of the rissuris.
Nahkomma: despite being small, nahkommas are boundlessly energetic and technically adept. They are known for communal spirit, revolutionary tech and deep connection to cosmic cycles. Despite their small stature, Nahkommas are renowned for their technical expertise and inventive spirit, pushing the boundaries of technology and engineering.
Planet: Lao Van Ra – bustling world with its cities, towering metropolises of glass and steel, busy with activity and invention. It can even be said that Shinzar serves as a showcase for nahkommas' revolutionary tech.
Shara: living on the hottest planet covered by sand, sharas developed unique heat conserving clothing for interplanetary travels - and patented technology for heat-resisting engines. Their unique heat-conserving clothing allows them to brave the blistering temperatures, while their patented heat-resisting technology dominates competitors' engines.
Planet: Ignaros – harsh and unforgiving planet, scorched by relentless heat and shrouded in swirling sands. Despite its extreme conditions, the planet is home to the resilient Shara who have adapted to its fiery embrace.
Traders: despite the Market Spacecraft not being intended for long-term residence, traders formed their own society, calling the spaceship their home.
Colossal mobile bazaar: CR8-07 – despite not having teams, the massive nomadic market and its traders have been continuously helping Shinzar's engineers by supplying anything at any time needed – all for the right price, of course.
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